In a world full of demons and the undead, players must restore order in the world of Ancaria in Sacred 2: Fallen Angel.
In an age that has seen so many Diablo clones come and go, it’s sad to say that not too many games are entering the action-RPG genre as frequently as they used to. Now, four years after the original, the Sacred franchise returns in the form of Sacred 2: Fallen Angel in an attempt to revitalize the genre.
Taking place two thousand years before the events portrayed in the original, Sacred 2’s storyline revolves around a war that is ongoing to regain control over T-Energy, a material that is the source of life and prosperity. The Ancient Elves of the world perished trying to seek power with the T-Energy and now the all the races of the world are out to claim T-Energy as their own. Who will prevail? Well, let’s hope the gamer does or else it’s going to be one dark day in the world of Ancaria.
What stands in the way of gamers in their attempt to resolve this pesky situation in Ancaria? First, and foremost, players will have to face off against special bosses – whether they are an elemental, dragon, and other various monsters – as they boost morale to their lackeys that assist them in their climatic battles with the player. Each species of monsters is unique as some may only attack if they are pestered with or may be hunting you down in a pack.
From the onset of the game, players will be able to choose between two different campaigns. As expected, the two vary by the player’s choice to play as a "light" or a "shadow" character. Having six character classes in the game will also open up different avenues for players to help the world of Ancaria. Players will have a choice between the following classes: Seraphim, Dryads, Inquisitors, Shadow Warrior, Temple Guardian and the High Elf.
Playing through the demo, Sacred 2 came off as an exceptionally well made action-RPG title. Sure, in parts it follows the straight line of other typical action-RPGs have done in the past, but with the ability to mount tigers, jump into coop with three of your friends, or duel with a rival in a PvP arena, Sacred 2 has a variety of entertaining options to captivate fans.
If players want the perfect satisfaction for being an ultimate combatant, they can enter into a PvP mode titled "Hardcore" mode where the loser’s character is permanently destroyed while the winner leaves knowing that he actually killed your character.
Expect Sacred 2: Fallen Angel late this September on the Xbox 360, PC, and PS3.
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